Safety and Responsibility

The project “Safety and Responsibility” was implemented with the aim of promoting the use of internet services and other information and communication technologies/tools, with an emphasis on proper content selection and ensuring safety. The ultimate goal is to present non-violent forms of behavior to young people through educational programs, as an alternative to the growing culture of violence among youth, and to instill awareness of the usefulness of modern technologies, especially the internet, as well as the security risks that need to be taken into account from an early age.

The most significant results of the project are:

  • 17 workshops titled “Tijana Click” held in various locations across Serbia, training 1,793 students on safe internet usage.
  • 12 panels titled “Stolen Security” held in different locations across Serbia, training 1,078 parents on child safety on the internet.
  • Educational game “Safe on the Internet” available on the website of the Tijana Jurić Foundation.
  • New educational theater play “Missing” included in the FTJ education program.
  • A professional conference on child safety titled “Safety and Responsibility 2020” held in an online format, featuring 9 experts from both domestic and international backgrounds discussing various topics related to child safety, attended by approximately 3,100 people.
  • Certification of 470 professionals (educators and social workers) in the field of child safety.
  • A lecture on safe internet usage held for about 100 high school students (with around 200 viewers via live streaming on Facebook) on the occasion of Safer Internet Day, along with a prize video competition receiving 254 entries from elementary school students, where the expert jury selected and awarded the top three entries, followed by a press conference.
  • The project received extensive media coverage with a total of 93 mentions, including 56 from the Foundation and 37 from various media outlets.

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