The project was implemented with the aim of enhancing the influence of civil society on public authorities and improving practices in the field of child safety protection in accordance with European standards, along with increased public participation in the decision-making process.
Through the project, human resources, internal procedures, and the network of collaborators of the Tijana Jurić Foundation were improved, along with enhanced dialogue with public authorities and the improvement of legal and police mechanisms for child safety in line with good European practices. There was also increased public awareness and participation regarding security risks faced by children.
These results were achieved through various activities, including strategic planning by the Foundation, continuing the campaign for life imprisonment through petition work and collecting signatures from citizens to initiate parliamentary procedures, continuing efforts to introduce the “Amber alert” system for missing children in Serbia, maintaining an online register of missing persons in Serbia, introducing a hotline for reporting missing persons, and educating and informing children, parents, and the public about safe internet usage and human trafficking.
The project was implemented from October 2017 to September 2018 with financial support from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency – SIDA within the framework of the BOŠ project “Civil Society for Serbia’s Accession to the European Union”.