Creating Safe Spaces for Children and Youth Development

The project “Creating Safe Spaces for Children and Youth Development” is a program aimed at creating a safe and supportive environment for children and young people with behavioral issues. In today’s society, where peer violence, social exclusion, and the lack of adequate support are increasing problems, the goal of this project is to provide a space where children and youth will feel safe, accepted, and motivated for personal development.

The key focus of the project is equipping the space with necessary equipment and materials to create conditions for the operation of a day care service. This service will allow children and youth aged 7 to 18 years to participate in psychosocial workshops, individual and group counseling, as well as educational, sports, and recreational activities. Through these activities, the project aims to improve their social and emotional skills, foster responsibility and promote positive behavior models.

The space for implementing the program is intended for children and youth from Novi Sad who are in conflict with the law, their parents, school or the community. The plan includes equipping the space with sports equipment, technical equipment for a gaming corner, board games and furniture. These activities will help children and youth develop teamwork, enhance communication skills and build a sense of belonging within the community.

The project also strengthens cooperation between the educational, healthcare and social systems, which is essential for providing long-term support to children and their families. In addition to the direct benefits for the day care center users, the project has a broader social impact, as it raises awareness of the needs of this vulnerable group and promotes inclusivity in the local community.  Finally, it contributed to creating a safe space for the development of children and youth, providing them with the opportunity for a better and more stable life.

The project was implemented in 2024 by the Center for Missing and Exploited Children with the financial support of the Provincial Secretariat for Sports and Youth.

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