Projects AllActive ProjectsCompleted projects Creating Safe Spaces for Children and Youth DevelopmentCompleted projects Together Towards a Stronger Family BondsCompleted projects Let’s Develop and Grow by Acquiring Knowledge and SkillsActive Projects Educate Yourself – Provide Help in Preventing ViolenceActive Projects PROMISE – Protecting Children from All Forms of Child Sexual ViolenceActive Projects TOMAS – Towards UnifOrMed Legislation Against CSAMActive Projects WEB DETEKTIVI – Stvaranje digitalnog društva za sveCompleted projects RESPONSE – ambeR alErt System to imPrOve fiNding miSsing childrEnActive Projects Together for a Safer InternetCompleted projects Together Against Peer ViolenceCompleted projects Safety and Wellbeing of Children and Young PeopleCompleted projects Advocacy for the Implementation of the Amber Alert Missing Child Notification SystemCompleted projects Continuation of Institutional Support – Improving Child Safety in Line with European StandardsCompleted projects Institutional supportCompleted projects The safety of every child is equally important!Completed projects Safety and ResponsibilityCompleted projects Safe internet – carefree lifeCompleted projects